Not the wind but with it a force I can't control but it isn't against me no it lets me float with it jump with it race with it run with it with it not against it.
I am a child a speck of dust I can be cast away but not today.
I am running not like the wind but with the wind and it feels wonderful because it is a force that I cannot control and it is not against me it lets me float jump race run with it it makes me feel alive.
A child I am a child a child is needless it makes a child a child we are not born greedy greed takes away the ability to enjoy live enjoy live ENJOY LIFE enjoy our life enjoy our lives like a child enjoys life enjoys to live enjoys their life.
I am running I am racing past everyone past everything right leg back left leg back because that's how it's done that's how you do it that is the only way I know how to do it so I will do it that way.
I am running I am racing past everyone past everything right leg back left left back and I am WINNING but I don't care because I am not thinking about winning I am only thinking about right leg back left leg back and running and being a speck of dust with the wind not against it and how I am not the wind it is a force and it is letting me run with it and it is letting me fly.
A child I am only a child but I am a lucky child I am a blonde haired blue eyed loved wanted needed child a fatherless child a child who doesn't have a care in the world because children are needless and I am not being blown away no not today.
I am the smallest the weakest the shyest AT TIMES because I am afraid to talk to speak my mind it is always running and racing right leg back left leg back and sometimes left leg back right leg back and I'm happy it is this way because for the first time my body is racing with my mind and my mind never stops.
I am a child who daydreams who thinks alot and admires all the beautiful flowers and the sights and I think about them.
I am running and I am running with the wind and I feel so special because the wind is a force that I cannot control and it wants me to run with it and I've never felt special before.
Like a speck of dust I am cast away always somewhere else and I am never where you last saw me and maybe it's because I'm so small and unnoticeable and I can never be found sometimes no matter how hard you look and a speck of dust cannot be kept forever because it is worthless but sometimes that can mean alot more than worthless and I am a child.
Right leg back left leg back and sprinting is all that I am doing but it feels like I am doing so much more because I am ME I am a child but I am me only me only me only ME.
I watched a movie and heard a song and I've seen it and heard it a million times when I was a child it is my child my childhood and it never gets old because it's always there and it cannot be changed because it's the past and it's like running with the wind too.
I am a speck of dust floating dancing racing and running.
This is my sunshine on a cloudy day and when it's cold outside this is my month of may because I will always remember it but I don't know I am going to remember it.
I am a child running and racing with the wind and I am winning but I don't care about winning because all I can think about is right leg back left leg back and My Girl who's my girl I am a girl but who's girl am I?
I am in an ambulance and they asked me if I was awake if I was concious but I didn't know and I didn't really hear it it only sounded like they were yelling down a tunnel echoing and I was back there running and thinking about My Girl and right leg back left leg back and sometimes left leg back right leg back and I was a child again I was a speck of dust but not the same speck of dust and I was thinking about My Girl and left leg back right leg back right leg back left leg back.
My name my name my name they said but that's okay because I was running with right leg back left leg back and thinking about My Girl and just being happy.
I was back there being a child and being with the wind and winning but not caring that I was winning and running with my right leg back left leg back and they were trying to pull me away and bring me back but I didn't want to come back NO I am a child and I am happy.
I am not fifteen I am not suicidial crazy psychotic I am not dying because I am a child running and running and racing with the wind and I am not going to listen to them or anyone because children are needless they don't need anything they are happy being a child and being happy and running and thinking about their favorite song.
Right leg back left leg back I am a speck of dust floating running racing dancing and I am winning but I don't care because I am not thinking about winning I am just thinking about right leg back left leg back and sometimes left leg back and right leg back and who's girl am I even though I am happy.
My name my name my name and I am back but I don't want to be back I want to be a child I am not a child I am ME I am dying I am okay and I am thinking about sunshine on cloudy days.
I am thinking about right leg back left leg back and sometimes left leg back and right leg back and My Girl and running and specks of dusts and the wind and running with the wind and winning even though I am not thinking about winning and who's girl am I and WHO am I because I am not a child I am not happy I am fifteen I am dying but I am okay I am crazy I am psychotic I am in an ambulance because I am going to the hospital and I am NOT a child I am not happy I am not running because I can't run no more.
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